Business Development

11th Abr 2022
During recent years we have seen how the popularity of Agile has climbed to the point where it is almost a status indicator: either you are the cool, modern, efficient software development team, or, you are one of those Ice Age cavemen that have not been able to move on from the ancient practices. It is therefore understandable why many teams around the world are trying to become at least “somewhat Agile”. However, the degrees…
11th Abr 2022
During recent years we have seen how the popularity of Agile has climbed to the point where it is almost a status indicator: either you are the cool, modern, efficient software development team, or, you are one of those Ice Age cavemen that have not been able to move...

GrinGO App and COFETUR sign a joint Marketing Collaboration MOU for the re-activation and rapid recovery of Border Region Tourism...
13th Nov 2020
13th Nov 2020